Wednesday, November 24, 2010


                                          By : Lila Bannerjee

L I L A  B A N N E R J E E
In our state the deed to form self help group has greatly been given importance. though this work is not running equally in all over the state,the number of this group is more than about five lack.this number is gradually increasing.Different Goverment sector,bank co-operatrive society and countless of charitable organisations are helping directly to form this group.mostly these group are women.The man of poor families specially the women,are becoming able to chanse their family status through forming these self help groups.Those are givien below-
personal saving account will be formed.
you saving is kept safely.
you can money from it for your precaution.
you can know the facilities of Govt. to be in group.
you are becoming aware of various subject.
you can collect capital to set in a business.
we have to fight against social evil in group.
you indentify will be changed in your family and in your society.Self cofident of the poor woman is increasing and thus want to participate in the effort of development.
                              Some obstructe problem : -
1. Member will be informed of the opportunities of the governental and private organisation .
2. Group can not solve large scale of social problem.
3. Some difficulties arriseto form this grip individual can not solve it.
4. Head of more money can not be satisfied.
5. A group can not like with bank of insurance company.

                                            If many do not unite profit can not be got i big enterprise . Specially, problem arise in collecting raw material. Infructual facility can be got. We have to co operate with each other.

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